فشار دینامیک پرواز
The maximum pressure available for cooling Is primarily determined by the flight dynamic pressure and is of about the same.order of magnitude.
drop, however, as previously explained, is increased by the addition of hGat, If the pressure drop is small relative to the flight dynamic pressure, the decreased exit density usually dominates and addition of heat reduces the drag; if the pressure drop is large relative to the flight dynamic pressure, addition of heat increases the drag, A more complete discussion of the effoots of hoat addition on the drag power and the oxit volocity.
The lsrge cooling powor required at 39,000 feot is due to tho large volumo of cooling air ncodod, the high pressure drop therefore neocssary, and the large wake loss resulting from a pressure drop almost equal to tho flight dynamic pressure.
It was assumed that exit flaps would be used in the climb and that the total pressure drop available would be 1.2 times the flight dynamic pressure.
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